Performing Arts Scholarship in Music

The Performing Arts Scholarship in Music is a scholarship that is designed to attract the best and brightest to our music program (band and chorus). A limited number of these scholarships will be awarded to incoming 9th grade students who show potential for excellence in the musical arts. The scholarship amount is $2,500 for each year of high school that the student maintains good academic standing and involvement in the arts.
Interested applicants should:

  1. Complete the form below.

  2. Submit a cover letter explaining why he is a good candidate for this award.

  3. Submit a letter of recommendation from someone who is personally familiar with his work.

The cover letter and letter of recommendation should be submitted directly to Mrs. Mary Thielen (Band) or Dr. Richard Skirpan (Chorus). The scholarship application deadline is February 1, 2025.

Scholarship Deadline & Auditions

Performing Arts Scholarship/Drama Scholarship Application Deadline: February 1st. A letter of recommendation and cover letter can be submitted beforehand by e-mail or brought to the audition.
  • Chorus and Band Auditions will be held Saturday, February 8th
  • Performing Arts Scholarship Auditions will be held Saturday, February 8th
  • Jazz Ensemble Auditions will be held Saturday, May 8th.

Band/Jazz Ensemble/String Audition Sign Up
Chorus Audition Sign Up

Scholarship Interest Form


List of 2 members.

  • Photo of Mary Thielen

    Mrs. Mary Thielen 

    Band Director
    (410) 823-0601 Ext 232
  • Photo of Richard Skirpan

    Dr. Richard Skirpan 

    Choral Director
    (410) 823-0601 Ext 225

Choral & Band Program Requirements

List of 2 items.

  • Requirements for Placement into Band

    Woodwinds and brass:
    • A scale of your choice. 
    • A piece of music that demonstrates your ability level.  This can be a band piece or solo piece.  
    • Demonstration of the following rudiments:
      • flam
      • paradiddle
      • closed roll
    • A piece of music that demonstrates your ability level.  This can be a band piece or solo piece. 
  • Requirements for Placement into Choral Music

    • Pitch-matching (singing back a single note that is played on the piano or sung)
    • Vocalizing (singing back short musical patterns) to help determine the top and bottom of your range

Performing Arts Scholarship Requirements

List of 2 items.

  • Band Scholarship

    Woodwinds and brass:
    • Scales up to 3 sharps and 3 flats
    • A solo piece or etude (not a band arrangement)
    • Sightreading
    • Demonstrate the following rudiments:
      • flam
      • paradiddle
      • 5 stroke, 9 stroke and 17 stroke rolls
      • closed roll
    • A snare drum solo or etude (not a band arrangement)
    • Sightreading
  • Choral Music Scholarship

    • Pitch-matching and vocalizing as above
    • Sing an accompanied excerpt of your choosing. This can be from art song, musical theater, or a choral piece you have previously sung with another ensemble. Memorization is not required, but in addition to any music for yourself, you must bring at least one copy of the music for the evaluator. Recorded accompaniment is acceptable and encouraged, but you must still bring sheet music.
    • Sightreading
500 Chestnut Ave. Towson, MD 21204
(410) 823-0601