Meet Matteo


Matteo Borrello '25
"Loyola truly has something for everyone."

Matteo’s smile lights up the room as he reflects on his first day as a 6th grader at Loyola. Although he was a little nervous, he remembers fondly that he was “accepted with open arms.”
Matteo says, “Loyola truly has something for everyone,” and he’s certainly taken advantage of every opportunity that’s come his way. Whether through his work with the Service and Justice Committee to help create an on-campus Food Pantry serving St. Gregory the Great Church, volunteering as a peer educator, or performing his jazz solo at the spring concert, Matteo’s impact is felt campus wide. He’s also shined athletically on the Varsity Tennis Team, which just made the playoffs for the first time in several years. Matteo credits Coach Hosford for this, saying that he “motivated us to give it our all.”
A self-described “STEM guy,” Matteo excels in math and the sciences, noting “it’s fun to see how physics applies to the real world.” He finds Mr. Baier’s class especially challenging and is appreciative of how caring all his teachers are towards the students. But his favorite part of the day is spending time with his friends in homeroom talking, laughing, and playing Wordle with Mr. Schlichtig and Mr. Hughen.
Matteo was the 2024 recipient of the Tommy P. Oswald Award given to a student who is committed to community, school spirit, academic studies, and faith. You only need to spend a short amount of time with Matteo to know that he embodies all these qualities and more. He aspires to join his brother in D.C. when he graduates. Until then, we have the great fortune of Matteo “being a symbol of openness” as he continues to be a mixture of “all the great things Loyola provides.”

Our Summer Student Spotlight Series highlights eight students, each of whom has taken their own path here at Loyola Blakefield. Find your own way at
500 Chestnut Ave. Towson, MD 21204
(410) 823-0601