Dons Shine on National Lacrosse Stage This Summer

Our underclassmen made waves over the summer while competing in several national lacrosse recruiting tournaments. In July, rising juniors Jack Schoenwetter, Rocco Bognet, Shane Elliott, Thomas Lala, and Owen Dixon helped Team Maryland capture the 2023 Division Championship at the Nike National All Star Games. The team was led by our very own Coach Stephen Abrams. Owen Dixon was also named a standout on attack. Read a writeup here.

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Additionally, Under Armour hosted their All-America Underclass Main Event in Baltimore from July 29–August 1, where rising sophomores Jake Doran, Liam Powell, Mason Cook, and Peter Laake helped Team Baltimore win the Command Division Championship. This event is one of the top lacrosse recruiting experiences of the summer.

May be an image of 4 people, people standing and text that says 'LTIMORE BALTIMORE 1 NATIONAL CHAMPION ALTIVORE 22 X ALL-AMERICA LACROSSE'

The future looks bright for Loyola Blakefield Lacrosse.
500 Chestnut Ave. Towson, MD 21204
(410) 823-0601