New Food Pantry Formally Blessed and Dedicated

The Loyola Blakefield Service and Justice Committee recently  completed work on a new on-campus food pantry, which was formally blessed and dedicated in a ceremony prior to the start of the school day on December 7th.  The site, located on the lower level of Sheridan Hall, will serve residents of the Sandtown-Winchester neighborhood in Baltimore City.

In his opening remarks, Charlie Kay '23 reaffirmed the school's ongoing commitment and partnership with St. Gregory the Great Parish. 

We are committed to addressing the clearly challenging circumstances that face the Sandtown-Winchester area. We saw an opportunity to foster a continuing partnership with our friends at St. Gregory’s, and to make a sustainable commitment to do our part to aid our neighbors in the food-insecure community that the parish serves. This food pantry will function in addition to our annual food drive to provide the parish community with healthy food with more continuous effect. Our can food drive, however successful as it may be, does not provide St. Gregory’s with a lasting supply.  We recognize that, in spite of our efforts, there will always be need for food in communities like Sandtown-Winchester, and we hope that in embarking on this venture, we can do at least a small part to feed a community that struggles with poverty and the uncertainty of a consistent supply of healthy food.   
For over 25 years, Loyola Blakefield has supported the St. Gregory the Great community with yearly food drives and holiday gift giving. Given the immense needs of the parish, Loyola is increasing its commitment to reduce food insecurity by opening a permanent food pantry at the school. The parish, located in Sandtown-Winchester, was established in 1883 and has been a stalwart in the storms of life, offering love, support, spiritual healing, and friendship. Sandtown-Winchester is an economically depressed area with a median family income of $24,374, an unemployment rate over 20%, and over 50% of children live below the Federal Poverty Line. Families in this neighborhood struggle with unemployment/underemployment, food insecurity, educational inequities, housing and health disparities, and mass incarceration.

We invite community-wide support to provide healthy food for the Loyola Blakefield food pantry. For more information, including items needed and drop-off hours, click here.
Food Pantry Blessing
500 Chestnut Ave. Towson, MD 21204
(410) 823-0601