Hearts on Fire Retreats

The USA East Province of the Society of Jesus is sponsoring two retreat opportunities for young adults (ages 21-39) in New York City and Boston. View details and register via the links below.

Hearts on Fire – NYC: A Jesuit Retreat for Young Adults (21-39) 
Sat Feb 8th | The Basilica of St. Patrick’s Old Cathedral | 263 Mulberry St | NYC 
Join the Jesuits for a day of prayer and reflection on the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the spirituality of St. Ignatius Loyola. There will be opportunities for silence, Adoration, reconciliation, and fellowship. The day begins with registration at 9:30am and ends with Mass at 5pm (fulfills your obligation for Super Bowl Sunday!). Optional informal social to follow. The $20 cost includes lunch, coffee, and treats.
Registration link: amdg.jesuitseast.org/hf25nyc 
For more information, contact Fr. Brendan Gottschall, SJ, at bgottschall@jesuits.org
Hearts on Fire: A Jesuit, Lenten retreat for Young Adults (21-39)
Sun Mar 23rd | Boston College & St. Ignatius Parish | 28 Commonwealth Avenue | Chestnut Hill, MA
This Lent, young adults (ages 21-39) are invited to join the Jesuits and the Mass & Mingle community for a day of prayer, friendship, and reflection on the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the spirituality of St. Ignatius Loyola. There will be opportunities to hear talks and engage in small group discussions, quiet prayer, Adoration, and reconciliation. The day will begin with registration at 11am and conclude with 5pm Mass and social. The $20 cost includes lunch, coffee, treats and a reception following Mass with drinks (alcoholic and non-alcoholic), and faith conversation.
Registration link: amdg.jesuitseast.org/HF25BOS
For more information, contact Fr. Brendan Gottschall, SJ, at bgottschall@jesuits.org
500 Chestnut Ave. Towson, MD 21204
(410) 823-0601